Diversity in terms of gender, culture, skills and cognition is a fact of life in today’s corporate world, as well as a strategy for business survival.
The complexity that organizations face requires a new vision of diversity management to incorporate different kinds of talent into business models.
Diversity, if managed properly, brings resilience, efficiency and innovation to the organization.
The IE Center for Diversity in Global Management proposes corporate strategies to assess diversity and create policies to solve specific diversity challenges.

The road to corporate gender equality:
by using the Gender Aspiration Gap Indicator (GAPI) (a digital diagnosis tool developed by the IE Diversity Center in Global Management) the center proposes a self-diagnosis method regarding internal gender barriers that can also be applied to different groups, units or the entire organization, matching the results with other equivalent organizations. Once the diagnosis has been completed, the Center’s Faculty proposes different strategies and itineraries for each company to move toward gender equality.
by using the Gender Aspiration Gap Indicator (GAPI) (a digital diagnosis tool developed by the IE Diversity Center in Global Management) the center proposes a self-diagnosis method regarding internal gender barriers that can also be applied to different groups, units or the entire organization, matching the results with other equivalent organizations. Once the diagnosis has been completed, the Center’s Faculty proposes different strategies and itineraries for each company to move toward gender equality.
The power of difference:
A 1 to 3 days training activity designed by the center’s faculty to experience the three main aspects of diversity: demographic, experiential and cognitive. Through different activities, participants learn the value of difference and how each form of diversity can be put in place to obtain a targeted impact within the organization.
A 1 to 3 days training activity designed by the center’s faculty to experience the three main aspects of diversity: demographic, experiential and cognitive. Through different activities, participants learn the value of difference and how each form of diversity can be put in place to obtain a targeted impact within the organization.